Morgellons disease


Morgellons disease is a mysterious skin complaint that sufferers characterize by lesions or sores on the skin that will not heal, tingling or insect crawling sensation on or under the skin, stinging or biting of the skin (as by insects) and by most controversially the appearance of fibres (fibers) of various colours protruding from the skin.


This disease has not yet been fully accepted by the medical world and in fact many doctors and skin specialists refer to the supposed complaint as a delusional disorder that needs to be treated psychologically rather than as an actual skin disorder.


The broad view of Morgellons is that it is a type of delusional parasitosis which causes the sufferer to think that parasites have infected their skin, several studies have been made regarding Morgellons disease and it has been noted that approximately half the sufferers who partook the study also had other health problems including such as drug dependency and forms of depression.


One of the main problems in actually pinpointing the cause of this supposed disease is the fact that most of the sufferers have self-diagnosed themselves and will create a list of symptoms that when presented to a doctor are non-evident or can be attributed to a known skin complaint or to an ailment that the patient has already been diagnosed with at an earlier date.


The examination of any presented fibres (fibers) have only concluded that they are consistent with materials such as cotton and fabrics that are widely used in the manufacture of clothing and bedding.


To date the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) having taken note of the numerous complaints and concerns forwarded from sufferers and from the Morgellons Research Foundation have conducted studies that lasted several years have only shown that the symptoms are common to already known skin complaints or recognised conditions of delusional infestations.


The Morgellons Research Foundation was a non-profit organisation founded in 2002 for the purpose of gaining acceptance of Morgellons as an actual disease recognisable by the medical community at large, it raised awareness to the condition as well as funds for research. In 2012 the Morgellons Research Foundation closed down and is no longer operational.

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