Morgellons explained


Morgellons is a disease of the skin characterized by a range of symptoms. The disease was so named in 2002 by Mary Leitao who, after discovering that her young son had developed sores and showed unusual symptoms, decided to conduct her own studies when practically all other doctors dismissed her sons ailment as a form of a more common illness.


During her research into her son's illness, Leitao discovered that there appeared to be widespread complaints of this disease, with all sufferers showing the same general symptoms, although the medical world had not taken any significant interest and had in fact largely dismissed the complaints as delusional parasitosis or symptoms of other already known illnesses.


Mary Leitao, who has a background in medicine having graduated with a BS in Biology and spent several years working in hospitals in the Boston area, decided that the symptoms displayed by many were in fact a form of new, previously unknown, disease which she chose to name as Morgellons. Such was her disappointment in the lack of interest from the medical world, that leitao was encouraged to act on her own and so founded the Morgellons Research Foundation for the purpose of raisng awareness into the condition displayed by her son and by the many others who contacted her.


The Morgellons Research Foundation is a non profit organisation raising funds for careful and in depth analysis of this new disease in the hopes that the resulting findings may at last make the medical world take notice and accept that Morgellons is in fact a real ailment rather than a form of mass paranoia, as has been suggested.


There have been numerous reports from people around the world who show signs and symptoms which have been attributed to Morgellons disease. As yet there has been no defining factor to tie this possible new disease to any one geographic area. There is no common denominator amongst sufferers, Morgellons has struck young and old alike, male and female, but most of the symptoms described are strikingly similar especially so in view of the fact that most of the reports so far have been gathered from various parts of the world.


If you would like to read more about the Morgellons disease or other skin complaints then this book How to Get Your Life Back From Morgellons and Other Skin Parasites might be just what you need.















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